Steve’s Bio

Merida, Yucatan based artist, Steven Lemire, migrated to Merida from the culturally diverse city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 2010.  The youngest of 7 siblings, he inherited the talents of each sibling and amalgamated them into his own to find his diverse skills and abilities to make them his own.  Steven has been honing his painting skills in modern/contemporary art since 2012 and retains the skill of using only spatulas to apply dense, three dimensional features, with oil paint, on canvas.

Originally a large scale event manager, food and event designer, Steven blended his oil painting skills with his thirty-five years of food and event experience, bringing about a perfect marriage of his two passions. Like spreading icing on a cake and applying thick and heavy paint applications
to tell a story, Steven’s hope is that it passes along the enjoyment he feels from creating something unique.

Steven has sold his artwork to clients in Canada, the U.S., Mexico and internationally.  He has participated in multiple art shows, exhibits, collectives and fundraisers and continues to present his works of expression, as serendipity continues.

View Steve‘s Paintings Here

Below is our home and studio in the heart of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.

If you would like to explore renting our home, please visit our site at

En Español

Mérida, el artista radicado en Yucatán, Steven Lemire, emigró a Mérida desde la culturalmente diversa ciudad de Vancouver, Columbia Británica, Canadá en 2010. El más joven de 7 hermanos, heredó los talentos de cada hermano y los fusionó en el suyo propio para encontrar su diversidad. destrezas y habilidades para hacerlos suyos. Steven ha estado perfeccionando sus habilidades de pintura en el arte moderno/contemporáneo desde 2012 y conserva la habilidad de usar solo espátulas para aplicar características tridimensionales densas, con pintura al óleo, sobre lienzo.

Originalmente un gerente de eventos a gran escala, diseñador de comidas y eventos, Steven combinó sus habilidades de pintura al óleo con sus treinta y cinco años de experiencia en comidas y eventos, logrando un matrimonio perfecto de sus dos pasiones. Como esparcir glaseado en un pastel y aplicar aplicaciones de pintura gruesas y pesadas.  Para contar una historia, la esperanza de Steven es que transmita el disfrute que siente al crear algo único.

Steven ha vendido su obra de arte a clientes en Canadá, Estados Unidos, México e internacionalmente. Ha participado en múltiples muestras de arte, exhibiciones, colectivos y eventos para recaudar fondos y continúa presentando sus obras de expresión, como continúa la serendipia.

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